Uploading imagesis another really easy way to help out - see the Special:Upload page!.Every wiki has two list of articles that need help called "Stubs" and "Wanted Articles".Talk to an Administrator for further help. Improved by 86 seconds.I discovered that if you have completed the game once, in the second play, you don't need to re-do some works.For example, the silence.After having their head quarters destroyed, Vinnie and his gang try to find the culprit and stop them for.

If you are new to wikis, check out the tutorial. Sift Heads World Act 6 : Illicit Association.Find out more about the wiki on the About page.This wiki is still very much under construction, and could use your help. 4 86 658K Sniper Assassin 3 88 980K Sift Heads World Act 6 Illicit Association 85 331K Sift Heads World Act 5 An Exotic Job 83 303K Sift Heads World Act. The mission, if you choose to accept it, is to stop the bad guys in their tracks the best way we all know how, by sifting heads. Their mission is out to get the bad guys and clean up the streets. Along the way, the bounty hunters prove themselves to be more than your run of the mill assassins (if there is such a thing).
The series centers on Vinnie, Shorty, and Kiro, bounty hunters with an exceptionally keen eye for justice. This is the wiki for the Sift Heads series of games that anyone can edit. Immerse yourself in a gripping storyline filled with suspense and uncover the secrets of the mafia underworld.Welcome to the Sift Heads Wiki, Where No One Sifts Alone

Prepare for intense gunfights, challenging missions, and unexpected twists as you navigate through the illicit association that threatens Vinnie and his team. But his house was discovered by Vinnie, who entered and opened fire. Sift Heads World: Act 6: Illicit Association. He secretly filmed Vinnies team assassinating the commissioner and contacted Alonzo 28 hours later to make the trade. Dive deep into the underground world of organized crime and confront the perpetrators with calculated precision. Sift Heads World: Act 5: An Exotic Job is the fifth game of the Sift Heads World series. Take on the role of Vinnie and his two trusted companions as they embark on a journey to avenge their demolished home. As the Sons of Anarchy attempt to escape unscathed, Vinnie knows that he cannot let this attack go unanswered. Vinnie's house has been brutally blown up, leaving him and his team with a bitter taste of vengeance. In the world of mafia, troubles never seem to cease. Aid them in their quest for justice and immerse yourself in an action-packed adventure. In this thrilling installment, the Sons of Anarchy have crossed the line, and Vinnie and his crew are out for revenge. Join Vinnie and his team in Sift Heads World: Act 6 - Illicit Association as they face the aftermath of a devastating attack on their house.